Optimize Local

WhatsApp marketing for small businesses

WhatsApp Marketing for Business

Optimize Local will help setup your organization’s WhatsApp Marketing for Business to create a unified inbound and outbound marketing communication channel to promote your products and services to your WhatsApp contacts.

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world. WhatsApp Business, on the other hand, was launched in 2019 with interfaces and features bound to make it an important communication tool for businesses in the nearest future.
We believe that WhatsApp Business is an essential tool for small business digital marketing and local business digital marketing to help businesses grow their clients.

Is WhatsApp Business really important?

The simple answer is yes. We believe that WhatsApp Business is important for engaging clients and improving reach. Why so? WhatsApp already has millions of users globally. When a business creates and establishes a presence on WhatsApp, it will be able to engage clients and intending clients in an interactive manner. That way the business will be leveraging on the popularity of the WhatsApp to establish a strong presence.

Our local business digital marketing services include WhatsApp Business for marketing because research has shown that it drives visibility and enhances the quality of communications with clients. In recent times, the dynamics between clients and businesses have changed. Clients want to perceive the businesses they transact with as relatable. WhatsApp Business is an essential tool for inbound and outbound communications of small and local businesses. The automated responses and quick replies features of WhatsApp Business help in improving the quality of communications with clients.

Creating a strong profile on WhatsApp Business is a way to establish authority, especially when a local audience is targeted. The aim of creating a profile is to capture the interest of prospective clients. A strong WhatsApp profile should encourage the average person to engage the business.

WhatsApp Business is also important as a sales and marketing tool. By promoting products and services on WhatsApp, direct interaction is established with the customer base. As much as possible, a business should aim to put its products and services before its users directly. WhatsApp for Business achieves this purpose.

Our WhatsApp for Business Services

The Optimize Local team creates profiles and applies the features of WhatsApp for Business effectively. The features we specifically apply include description, catalogue, label, automated responses and quick replies.


With the description, we share essential details of your business in an engaging and interactive manner. The description highlights the services and products offered by your business, as well as contact information and opening hours.


The labels feature helps to categorize contacts and easily access them when required. This feature is essential for maintaining effective communications with clients.

Quick replies

With the quick replies features, replies to a set of common questions are created. This is aimed for effective communication and is a mark of professionalism.


This is an essential marketing and sales tool with which businesses can introduce products and services to their audience.  Other important features of WhatsApp for Business are the message statistics feature that provides feedback on activities. You can trust us to project the image of your brand through WhatsApp effectively. The team is ready to help your business grow with WhatsApp Business.